California Firing Line

Chipotle Publishing, LLC publishes California Firing Line on behalf of the California Rifle & Pistol Association (CRPA). CFL is a source of firearm, Second Amendment, legislative and political news with an angle of interest to California gun owners.

FREQUENCY:           6x/year

DISTRIBUTION:         Subscriptions, gun shows, trade shows, events

Customer Service

Please note that Chipotle Publishing, LLC does not maintain the California Firing Line address database, this is done by the California Rifle & Pistol Association.

Call (714) 992-2772 or email the CRPA HERE for any issues related to CRPA Membership, California Firing Line subscriptions or changes of address.


To advertise in California Firing Line, please call Chipotle Publishing, LLC at (702) 565-0746 or click here to send us a message.

You can download the CFL 2021 Media Kit by clicking here.


To request writer guidelines, send press releases or contact our Editorial staff, click here to send us a message.