ISBN: 978-0-9701954-9-4
Item Number: B177
Paperback / 293pp / Index Incl.
By Frank Iannamico
Includes the history and development of the German machine pistol from the MP18,I to the MP40, to include the MP28,II, Bergmann machine pistols, Erma EMP, Steyr-Solothurn, Aberdeen Proving Grounds trials, accessories, production and more. This is the revised and updated second edition by author Frank Iannamico (includes almost 100 additional pages than the original printing).
The Germans fielded their first pistol-caliber fully automatic weapon, the MP18,I machine pistol, in the last months of World War I. The new German weapon and the tactics developed for its use were largely ignored by the victorious allied nations. The Germans, however, saw great potential in the concept and continued development in the post-War era. In the first month of World War II, the Germans fielded the revolutionary MP38 weapon. Just a little over a year later, the Germans introduced the MP40 machine pistol. While the MP38 changed the way machine pistols looked, the stamped sheet-metal MP40 revolutionized the way they were made. Soon all of the Allied nations scrambled to develop and field machine pistols (submachine guns) of their own.