The U.S. M14 Rifle: The Last Steel Warrior (2nd Edition)


By Frank Iannamico

The second edition of this classic work is expanded and includes new information from recently discovered government documents as well as numerous color photographs. Includes prototypes and production M14 rifles and their commercial semiautomatic counterparts, contractors, subcontractors, experimental models, match and sniper rifles, modern M14 rifles, training, magazines, parts and accessories, ammunition, maintenance and more.

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ISBN: 978-0-9965218-3-3
Item Number: M14
Hardcover / 440pp / Index Incl.

By Frank Iannamico

The second edition of this classic work is expanded and includes new information from recently discovered government documents as well as numerous color photographs. Includes prototypes and production M14 rifles and their commercial semiautomatic counterparts, contractors, subcontractors, experimental models, match and sniper rifles, modern M14 rifles, training, magazines, parts and accessories, ammunition, maintenance and more.

The M14 rifle was formally adopted on 1 May 1957, to replace the M1 Garand rifle as the “Standard A” infantry weapon of the U.S. Armed Forces. The M14 evolved from a long series of experimental and prototype weapons. The developments that led to the adoption of the M14 began in 1944 with the T20 series of M1 rifles. The T20 rifles were M1 Garands modified for both semiautomatic and full-automatic operation. The M14 was designed to replace the Browning Automatic Rifle, M1 rifle, M1 and M2 carbines, as well as the M3A1 submachine gun. The M14 rifle, along with the newly adopted M60 7.62mm general purpose machine gun, were expected to fulfill all the needs of the infantryman while using one common cartridge.

This book covers the following topics:

  • 7.62mm NATO Ammunition
  • Accessories and Accoutrements
  • Belgian T48 vs. the M14
  • Commercial M14 Type Rifles
  • Development and Research
  • Experimental Models
  • Full-Automatic Garand Rifles
  • Harrington and Richardson, Inc.
  • Lubrication and Maintenance
  • M14 (M) Match Rifle & M14 (M) Modified Rifle
  • M14 Enhanced Battle Rifle
  • M14E2/M14A1 Rifle
  • Magazine Contracts
  • Manuals
  • Olin-Winchester Company
  • Production
  • Springfield Armory Inc. M1A
  • T44 Series of Rifles
  • The Springfield Armory
  • Thompson Ramo Wooldridge (TRW)